Portrait of a PLATO Class

Here's our 7th Period AHSGE Prep & Study Skills class. A couple of students weren't present last Thursday for the snapshot. All students have the opportunity to be featured on my Lifelong Learners blog. Stay tuned...

Everyday Math & Vocabulary

Bell Ringers are great warm up activities to begin a class. Students come in and begin to work as the bell is ringing. Hence the title Bell Ringer.

Getting students to understand lessons are applicable beyond the classroom is sometimes difficult. The first student at each table arrived in our classroom today, selecting a food product box from a huge paper shopping bag. The following Bell Ringer was posted on the Smart Board via the Elmo document camera. The high school students were prohibited from using calculators or the computer for math computations. I admit, I was shocked when they began to ask basic foundational math questions. We reviewed how to problem solve the equations and then moved on to the vocabulary portion of the assignment. Researching the hard to pronounce ingredients in processed food items was more interesting than I had even anticipated. The vocabulary proved hidden science lesson. We learned that animal and plant tissues were in a common breakfast product and that a frozen pizza had a built in antacid and contained tree resin.

Prove Them Wrong

If a student hears how he/she can't do something and takes that on as their personal belief, they usually live up to that low expectation. Students, don't listen to the naysayers. They want to either bring you down or keep you down. You have to squash those voices and listen to those of your teachers and others that want to see you become productive, successful adults, living up to the potential that is in every single student.

One of my favorite scenes in the movie Legally Blonde is when main character Elle Woods is told she'll never be smart enough to be a lawyer. Here's an except where she decides to prove them wrong.

Classroom Discipline Plan

Effective instruction is nearly impossible if classroom management is lax. My experience has been that the students in most need of behavior modification benefit from a firm stance on conduct.

A copy of my Classroom Discipline Plan is below.

Student Expectations

Starting a new school year is both exciting and daunting. Clarifying expectations will set the tone and provide students with a road map. Our school's student expectations are below.

Define Mode

The short answer is most frequent. Mode is used in math, statistics, and even computer terminology. Click here for an overview of how this word applies to statistics.